Why I am not voting for Obama-decision now made.
As of this first week in September, 2012, this independent voter has waited until all the facts were in to make up my mind. Now I have them, I have chosen Romney, for sure. I've made jokes, yuked it up aimed at both sides, hoped at the young, inexperienced civil rights lawyer from south Chicago could do all that he said he would. I really "HOPED."
Nope. Below are the reasons I logically am not voting for him:
Dead mothers, and their children, and their grandparents - but I saw no one in uniform and no one with a weapon. That's what the Communism ideal was, and our youngsters today are again brainwashed with the glowing idealism of Carl Marx (who, appropriately is dead).
They killed kids. They killed women, and every unarmed civilian they could find.
Nope. Below are the reasons I logically am not voting for him:
- " I cannot guarantee Social Security checks this August." His words, 2011
- " We have done away with al Qaeda." Demo Convention in Charlotte. - Libya and Cairo one week later.
- McClatchy news story showing Russia's Putin at air show declaring "Beefing up Russian Air
Force with massive influx of rubles." - News reports of "billions of cuts in defense spending to kick in January 2013,"
- News reports indicating number of Mrs Obama's personal staff nearing 100. Number for Mrs Bush-2.
- Disengaged from Israel. Too engaged with radical Muslims, Arabs.
- 25 million unemployed Americans.
- Poverty rate highest in American History
- "When I am elected, everything will be open, on the Internet." Pre-election speech, it didnt happen.
- " Your government will be accessible," Fast and Furious gun running scheme by the Department of Justice still a mystery to most of the lawmakers.
- Nation's chief law enforcer just short of indicted by Congress for non-cooperation in F & F investigation involving Brian Terry death.
- "You have to give me time, until after the election...." said by Obama in an open mike to #2 man from Russia meant for Putin. " All right, I'll tell him," he replied. WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN? We should all start taking Russian lessons?
- I heard on television news reports this morning that military advisers to the White House say that they are NOT ALLOWED to use the term, " extremist Muslims." Ok, what does THAT mean? What terms SHOULD they use - twinkle toed mid-east tap dancers?
- Obama's speach post Cairo that we would protect our people. Kissinger remarked today that it is not up to US to protect our people. It is up to Egypt and Libya to protect our people and, " if they do NOT, they will be subject to severe consequences."
Dead mothers, and their children, and their grandparents - but I saw no one in uniform and no one with a weapon. That's what the Communism ideal was, and our youngsters today are again brainwashed with the glowing idealism of Carl Marx (who, appropriately is dead).
They killed kids. They killed women, and every unarmed civilian they could find.
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