Estranged Children, Estranged Parents
We all make mistakes in raising children: God knows if I had to list them, there would be a book length tome.
Actually, I AM writing a book about it and its nearly finished. I go to print in the spring - 55,000 words, more about that later. How some ever. Estrangled children and estrangled parents: kids and parents oft times get pissed off at each other in this century, otherwise Jerry Springer and Doctor Phil would be out of business.
There will NEVER be a shortage of need for head doctors or chair throwing for the low brows on entertanment TV. If you like driving nails through your hands and feet for thrills, take Springer, a bit more high brow and sophisticated, want to work it out with the EX-KIDS, Doctor Phil is probably a better bet.
However, I digress. I thought two things about the subject matter if you are among the unenlightened. I've had trouble with my two darling daughters. I sought council with counselors. End Result- mixed.
I met with a Jewish Rabbi. Best advice I got - ever.
Told him EVERYTHING. He says, " I just had one of my parishoners tell me he had the same problems!!!"
My reaction? You mean, there's more than ME? Sure he says, half my congregation has the same problems as you - the EXACT same problems. He gives me a web-site address for extranged parents, apparently there are about a million and a half adult Americans whose children flipped off Mom and Dad on their way out the door and haven't seen them in more than a decade.
Big, Big boat we're all in. That's a lot of pissed off kidsSo many, they are nation-wide and have their own web-site and "RECOVERY GROUP" gimmie a break.
The Rabbi says, " sit back, leave it alone, and let them come to you. You have done all you can, Do not push it."
The Defense Rests.
Actually, I AM writing a book about it and its nearly finished. I go to print in the spring - 55,000 words, more about that later. How some ever. Estrangled children and estrangled parents: kids and parents oft times get pissed off at each other in this century, otherwise Jerry Springer and Doctor Phil would be out of business.
There will NEVER be a shortage of need for head doctors or chair throwing for the low brows on entertanment TV. If you like driving nails through your hands and feet for thrills, take Springer, a bit more high brow and sophisticated, want to work it out with the EX-KIDS, Doctor Phil is probably a better bet.
However, I digress. I thought two things about the subject matter if you are among the unenlightened. I've had trouble with my two darling daughters. I sought council with counselors. End Result- mixed.
I met with a Jewish Rabbi. Best advice I got - ever.
Told him EVERYTHING. He says, " I just had one of my parishoners tell me he had the same problems!!!"
My reaction? You mean, there's more than ME? Sure he says, half my congregation has the same problems as you - the EXACT same problems. He gives me a web-site address for extranged parents, apparently there are about a million and a half adult Americans whose children flipped off Mom and Dad on their way out the door and haven't seen them in more than a decade.
Big, Big boat we're all in. That's a lot of pissed off kidsSo many, they are nation-wide and have their own web-site and "RECOVERY GROUP" gimmie a break.
The Rabbi says, " sit back, leave it alone, and let them come to you. You have done all you can, Do not push it."
The Defense Rests.
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