The Wisdom Keepers - The old Folks
It's a shame we don't honor the seniors in American society, much like our Indian brothers do. Exalted in their society, the Elders are saught out for their wisdom, their is a slogan in their world - " at 24 you know everything. At 70, you're not sure." And as life and experience shows anyone who lives that long, good judgement comes from experience. And as anyone over 70 knows, experience comes from bad judgement.
As you age, one keeps the wisdom if you'e bright enough, so you pass it on to your children, and your children's children if you are lucky to have them. The Japanese build and re-build houses on the same site to the exact same plans, over and over, for generations, to teach new generation - teaching them the skills, on and on.
Wisdom Keepers...leadership in our communities,not ego. We have enough of that to float a battleship, thank you very much. That provides enough material for jokes about or politicians. What guides US thru the tough times? '
1 Tomorrow is another Day? Scarlett O Hara
2 You plan/God Laughs
3 24 year olds "know everything."
Now,thopefully, is the time for our own elders to share their Wisdom with our own 24 year olds, if they'll listen. They need to know how to deal with hard times,
this is how you stretch a dollar,
serve a leftover
turn a collar
OR,the important things in life - AREN'T THINGS
OR,keep your nerve, kiddo - the only way out, is through
OR,we is more powerful than I
OR,the human race has been through a bottleneck before,
OR,we can do this, gang - we CAN
And finally, lock n load - this is it.
They, the 24 year olds, need wisdom, direction guts and reality. Homes don't natrally appreciate in value. Cadillacs don't come with jobs, $80k salaries don't come with graduate degrees. Life, the job market and politics are all unfair.
Find your grandfathers, grandmothers, sit down over coffee and pick their brains.
Now hopefully, if these kids will only listen.
"With grateful appreciation to Margaret Atwood"
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