Lackland Air Force Base - Sexual Scandals - TODAY

News reports today say that a new base commander at Lackland Air Force Base has been assigned to help get control of what appears to be an out-of-control situation on sexual attacks on female enlistees.
    As I understand the situation, a female Colonel is now in charge and she will impose a strong control over the drill sergeants training all new recruits to root out increments against women who have volunteered into the Air Force. So far a number of drill sergeants have been investigated and a few are arrested on sentenced to a year in prison.
    The allegations are against the DRILL SERGEANTS who are abusing the new inductees, only. I have absolute no problem with the new base commander, her program, or the actions so far to get control of the abusive situation.
    Over fifty years ago, I went through training at LACKLAND Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. At the time, barracks were separated all male, all female. My barracks were twenty yards from the WAF barracks. I was in officer training for future Navigator duty.
    Once or twice a week, my cadet buddies would sneak out of the barracks at night, after "lights out," crawl along the ditch that ringed the perimeter of all the barracks compound. Then they would crawl up the lawn to the screened windows of the WAF barracks and
conduct what we called a "Screen Scratching Mission."
    The "ladies" inside frequently opened the screen, the cadets crawled inside (four to a room, and often spent three or four hours there. About midnight or one in the morning, screens off cadets on the grass, and they scrambled home, back to our cadet barracks.
    No one complained, no one filed charges, there was no hew and cry, all smiles, generally at the mess hall. It was at the time of
the hit song, " The Big Hurt" as I recall.
    And, as I also recall - no one got hurt. But, then again, at the time, everyone said "yes."


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