Sandra Fluke

" If you let women have their own generally will get even with them in the end!!" -
Will Rogers.
      Comes now the 21st Century's version of the newly 'entitled" feminists who dares stand in front of a government panel and blithely forms demands her protection against pregnancy each time she chooses to arbitrarily copulate with some random law student, to be paid for
      That aggravates me now end for several reasons: law school is a fortune. My late wife was the Director of Career Services at Villanova outside Philadelphia and those "students" shelled out what amounted to gold bars for tuition/room/and board.
      Next, as quoted by Dana Perino, oft times presidential press secretary, that's almost $10 whole dollars for a months supply!! Jeez, for those main-line law-students, guess they'll have to cut back to regular guess on their MG's on the way to campus, less T-bones for dinner, eh, what??
      As to Ms Fluke's high minded, "fork-it=over peasants, " attitude, I can only relate to my experience from south Philly. I had to go to Wharton School because it was the only college I could get to on the trolley car from 13th & Shunk.
      It is a sad day for Brokaw's "Greatest Generation" of World War II, many of whom I know and talk to each week. When you speak with them about what they did to win over the likes of the fascist Italian Dictator and the megalomaniac Hitler or the Emperor and his army or raving, murderers crazies in the Pacific, our guys (many just teenagers at the time) will simply say, " it was a job, it had to be done. None of us thought of ourselves as heroes. We had to win, there was no alternative."
     Their wives and girlfriends at home had their backs in the factories, building stuff. It was "what we had to do," they would say. It is what they told me, every week when I meet and talk with them.
      None of them thought anybody OWED them anything, they were just glad it was over, and glad they could come home.
      Sandra Fluke? She is what WE have produced TODAY. She is a product of today's ' YOU OWE ME. Someday the well will run dry, Sandra.
      Then, you are on your own.


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