Ann Romney Is Right

I saw this happen in George Bush I election when he lost to Clinton. Peggy Noonan, Reagan's speech writer walked away from him, AND WROTE ABOUT HOW WEAK he was - thanks, Peggy, that helped to give us 8 years of dress stains, Hillary drama with her sec/service details and " ah fehl ur paine" nonsense. Ann Romney's recent pronouncements ( " stop it!! ") to all the inside Republican naysayers - not just Noonan, )she is right on target. I get naseated with all the Conservative purists who sit on the sidelines and pic-pic at whomever is running on he Republican ticket: not quite good enough, not quite "Pure" enough. Nuts! If these idiots will look around the landscape and notice, there isn't anyone else around that has a tinkers chance is hell to beat Obama. And less they all get on board and start pulling, we are on the way to four more years of a one way ticket to pure socialism. Do you trust Eric Holder? Do you trust Hillary Clinton or the State Department? I don't. Remember Joe the Plumber?? So, think of Ann Romney's comments of today - September 21 - "Knock it off and get aboard the train. This is a one shot deal. You got a clear choice - Socialism or Capitalism. Remember what Obama said to Joe the Plumber in the TV interview, " I just want to spread it around a little." What do you call that? ###


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