Good Reasons NOT to vote for Barack Obama

  • the New York Times is a liberal newspaper, on that we all agree. In February they reported the federal Espionage Act was used 3 times from WW I to Obama's election. Since them Obama has used it double that in less than 4 short years aimed at "aggressive journalism" in the US & taking whistle blowers to court, according to press reports.
  • I have a photo of my wife pumping gas into our car in Yuma just before Obama's election. The sign next to her reads, "unleaded, $1.85/gallon."
  • "My administration will be transparent, everything will be on the internet," Barack Obama, stump speech, prior to election.
  • George Soros gives him money...
  • More women are out of work today then men, 2012, CNN.
  • One third of the American work force is out of work, May, 2012: Fox News.
  • George Clooney loves him
  • Elena Kagan and Sotomayor are Obama's to most liberal picks placed on the Supreme Court. Ginsberg, " I would NOT look to the US Constitution if I were drafting one today for us in 2012. I would look to the one in SOUTH AFRICA."  One more Obama pick and America could lose the Second Amendment altogether.
  • Cass Sunstein is Obama's "Regulatory Czar." An extremist by nature his personal beliefs are " we should ban hunting. Animals should be able to file lawsuits against hunters.
  • George Soros....
  • Rahm Emanuel, Chicago Boss, right hand anti-gun leader on the Obama re-election team who, as mayor of Chi-town, recently passed $65 registration fee per handgun, renewal fee $25. Oh, 2% tax on ammo purchases.
  • Eric Holder, the Fast & Furious attorney general....who has the temerity to declare himself FOR gun control and balance the fall-out on F & F in front of a Senate Committee.
  • Arne Duncan, Education Secretary who accepts a "Man of the Year" award from a national anti-gun organization, with his "Winston Churchill Speech, "  we'll fight them in the streets, in the courts, etc. (apparently, this is his version of national education.)
  • Vote against him just to annoy the Hollywood left-wingers like Barbara
Ronald Reagan: Everyone was angry at Mr. Reagan after he was elected because he made so many vows before the election, then after - he kept them. That was a surprise. For Obama, he's pissed off the far-left liberals because he made so many promises - told them what they wanted to hear, then backed away from ALL  of it - they got angry and they backed away from him.
    So, Romney isn't Reagan- so what? At least he isn't Obama and that's the point, isn't it? Think what a second term Obama would bring? Sure, he lied to us going in, didn't do ANYTHING he said he would do. Can you imagine what would happen THIS time?


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