When abnormal becomes OK.

People paint themselves up with permanent tattoos from arms to toes, twisted dragons I've seen in public from darn to dark. Moms dragging teens through public markets with tongue-licking dragons and monsters from nightmares and drug-fueled  episodes stalking every part of their bodies.
    God knows what these kids get to see at home once the clothes come off. Dad, beer belly out under the leather jackets, hair and face adorned with metal clips EVERYWHERE, and I wonder what we CAN'T see? Today in Target I saw a young girl, eleven, maybe twelve with wonderful breasts and a tight black, short sleeve, tight, T-shirt adorned with glittery words "FU34 ME NAKED!!" She couldn't have been older than twelve. Mother, tattoed and ringed through the nose, followed close behind, at the make-up counter, I think.
     The other side of town, three young men made sport of beating up a young girl and dropping her off in a back alley as they cruised on west towards the mountains. They forgot to check her out before they pummeled her ribs in. Broad daylight. Dead on arrival. She was 16. Just yesterday.
     One half of the country is on some form of government relief. Yup, some type of government check goes out to 49.1% of everybody here. That's more than Greece, and they're rioting in the streets there, because of the austerity cuts.
     I counted no less than a dozen young children, most of them white females missing and presume dead since the beginning of this year alone, missing, dead, exploited, probably in the sex trade in Mexico. Don't think so? Stay tuned. it ain't over yet. Think of it, there are animals out there on two feet walking around who would actually KILL a little girl!!
   Unbelievable. Kids coming to school in the same clothes for weeks on end, bad breath, the only hot meal they get is at school. We do not value life, or education anymore. Columnist George Will once said it would take us another 10 years at our current growth rate in math and science to catch up to Singapore.
     There is a bill before Congress for a national right to carry a pistol anywhere in the country. Is it any wonder? Anyone with a felony conviction cannot legally carry a pistol, which makes sense, but then again, a felon isn't going to play by the rules anyway, is (s)he? Everybody knew John Wilkes Booth was a kook, Lincoln had guards and look what happened anyway.
    Some feel as the country grows filled with more destitute and helpless people, it may be smarter to take precautions, arm themselves, self protection. In Arizona and other states, carry handguns is legal, for two years now. And, the police indicate, things have gotten a bit politer, a lot less, "dangerous." Funny, how careful you can be when someone you might want to tussle with could be carrying a pistol.
   Sometime politician, author, and television commentator Pat Buchanon has prognosticated that our Republic will probably not be around in a hundred or a 150 years. He makes that prediction based solely on birth and death trends, falling educational levels.
   " The Death of the West," is his best work. Ever notice all the talk in public these days about how not everyone is suited for college? How colleges now are teaching the last year of high school remedial math in the first year of college? Reading more articles about flunk out rates in college? Lack of graduates at the high school levels?
     Get used to it. Community Colleges are growing like crab grass, and, they are there for a reason. The "kids" are not making the cuts into Ivy League colleges any more. Foreign born students are pouring into our country for schooling, and frankly, as Walt Ruston (Ex-Fed Chair) used to say, " I don't care WHAT COLOR their passports are"
    Drip - Drip - Drip.


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