For as long as my memory has lived, as long as I have lovingly  pursued feminine gender, there has always been a confusion a certain 'wall' between us in how we viewed each other.
      How we talked, how we felt about each other, what we wanted ( or SAID we wanted from each other). There has always been a gauze between us that filtered our wants, desires, passions, that has caused fights, misunderstandings, cross purposes, anger,....always something.
      Some examples, If I may -
          *  How do you cure Jewish Nymphomania? ---   Marry her.
          *  Sex with your wife, exciting?......Nah, same show, 7 nights a week.
          *  Dinner with YOUR mother and father, again? 5 nights a week??
          *  Do you have to do it to my daughter so often?
          *  Where are you going? Again? How many times has this been this week?
          *  All you think about is sex.
          *  I have a headache, it hurts, its dirty, my grandmother says nice girls don't do this, etc.
          *  All men are dirty.
      The Womens' movement, of course, has not helped this division of sexes. Birth rates are down and continue declining in all societies on the planet except third world area where poverty and ignorance rule the day. And, according to my own experience talking to European visitors, those Africans now settling in southern Europe bring disease, dirt, wrack and ruin into their areas along with them.
      There has been much written on the nature of Psychiatrists in our 21st Century society. It is this observer's opinion that at the current rate of expansion, those kinds of doctors should out-number proctologists by the middle of this century.


  1. it wasn't time.......or his, it was the in-house Haridan


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