When in the course of Human Events it becomes necessary to free the bonds of human endeavors to free people from the chains of outrageous charges subscription television available to them by way of  what should be free and open communication.
    Free press, free speech is now harnessed by companies that have harnessed their ownership of the public access to the airwaves by locking down television news, education, of ANY public value to private, non public enterprise, not governed by the people.
     Think of the airline business in the 60's and 70's before airline de-regulation., how many of the public ever rode on airplanes (less than 10 %) versus today, post de-regulation where now, public  ridership on jets can be counted in the millions each day.
     This is still a nation of low to no control, free enterprise, competition, and a place where selective subscription service would find a place to thrive.


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