I've been down with the flu for five days,,,it is 3 in the morning. Maybe it's a fever, I dunno, write it off, but following the news, a right wing nutball shoots up a ball field in Virginia "are you a Republican?"  BANG, The internet goes wild.
    PBS DRAGS OUT their two favorite leftists hung over from the Vietnam War days when pilloring our troops were fun, fun, fun. Thess too old guys had to be wheeled in and miked up for their anti-Republican rants.
    I've made up my mind, I'm unplugging Facebook - forever. No details needed if you are an American. The kinds of bullcrap going on there far exceeds original plan and IMO, is now dangerous to me and all Americans. Tomorrow - SNAP.
    There have been so many public shootings lately I've lost count. A weak and ineffectual cry for
gun control has been lost in the shuffle. Ever wonder why?  Ever wonder who commits the most crimes with guns?
    Yeah, I don't either. Yet....we still have to have CONTROL!!   hmmm
    " A good guy with a gun," the NRA has advocated that for a while now, yet, in the midst of all this fracus, I have yet to hear, see or read reports of that actually happening.
    I wonder why.


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