Voter ID all 50 States - Current Day Problems

I don't care who is for it, who is against it, I love the idea. I understand my home state, Pennsylvania just voted it in - good for them. Of course, Obama & company apparently are fighting that in court.
     Good Luck with that. I was born in South Philadelphia in a tough Irish Catholic, Italian, neighborhood, where you go into bars, and they frisk you for guns. It was so tough there, if you didn't have one, one of the guys would let you borrow one.
      I voted for Kennedy there. Nobody asked me for my drivers license back then. They knew me. The pole watchers were my next door neighbors, Eddie's mom and Dad.
      Now, I live in a largely Mexican American neighborhood in Tucson, Arizona where ICE used to raid for illegal aliens from south of the border. Thanks to the lawyers in the DC DOJ, that's on hold now, and most of my town are allowed to pack guns - LEGALLY.
      I do.
      I vote every time. I don't need a drivers license now, this late in life. I do it by mail here in Arizona, just like in Oregon where I used to live, assuming the latter-day Hippies don't burn the mail boxes. Yes, there are organized "anarchists" in Salem, Oregon.
     (Strange state.)
      Back to might recall in the 08 election there was national TV coverage of a number of black folk at one voting location threatening a number of voters NOT to enter or suffer a beating. They were standing at the front door, blocking access with base ball bats, cursing at the people approaching the polling place, and they appeared intent on doing them harm if they entered to vote.
      Sure, I'd support voter ID in Philadelphia, all of Pennsylvania and I'd like the return of Mayor Frank Rizzo and police at every voting station with hand guns at the ready for another altercation.
      The Philadelphia Police were not there. The State Police were not called, President Obama was no where to be seen. The menacing men with base ball bats and long dread-locks stood firm, didn't move, and we don't know how many votes did NOT get counted at that Philadelphia voting booth, do we?
      "Communism is like Prohibition. It is a good idea...but, it doesn't work." Will Rogers. 1934


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