The Economy in Italy, Germany and England right NOW

Just today, Saturday, 8/11/12, I was docent(ing) in the B-17 museum in Tucson, Arizona and a half dozen married couples and families walked in from Turin, Italy, then Essen, Germany, followed by Coventry England.
     I love this time in the summer in Tucson -boiling hot outside, cool inside the hanger with our giant airplane, plenty of cool, flowing water to drink, chairs to sit in - they sit, relax, and we talk about world events.
     The elderly Italian couple fascinated me the most. Patrick Buchanan once wrote a book "The Decline of the West" in which he said Italy's population is declining fast because young fertile women are "packing it in" as far as having babies are concerned.
     They are not dating, rather doubling up with other single women, living La Dolce Vita, drinking, 
wining and dining with men, traveling the world, buying expensive clothes along the Via Veneto -
"Rodeo Drive" in Rome, and junking family life.
     The demographers in Italy have decreed at the current rate, Rome will be a "theme park" within 50 years - virtually abandoned of Italian natives. My elegant, cosmopolitan Italian couple from Turin agreed with everything. They were despondent. The glory of Italy was, as we Americans would say - on the skids. Further, the influx of immigrants from the countries are "UNCHECKED," and the government can and will NOT do anything about it, " b because any attempts to do so have been met with civil disruption. "  they told me.
     Their unchecked illegal immigration has been a drain on the Italian treasury, causing some of their citizens to move, dodge taxes, which have been escalating, and as the Mrs stated to me, the crime rates have climbed over the last ten years along with the influx of Arabs.
     I could have written that script, myownself.
     The German families, there were two, had a couple of observations, totally destroying my preconceived notions about the Fatherland: All Germans were happy there, and living was cheap.
      Their unchecked immigration is meeting with the same political problems that the Italians have, same people, BTW, same problems, same antagonistic attitudes when confronted. Taxes are going up as a result, ditto crime statistics - mostly thefts as in Italy.
      The English? "London is one of the most expensive cities in the world in which to live," say the people from Coventry. Having just reviewed the above. I wonder why. All the Europeans are visiting the United States during our summer time because our dollar is so low, flying here is cheap. Even Australians are here in droves. I talk to Aussies every week, but that's another story.


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