
Showing posts from 2011

The First Amendment - Freedom of Speech, a real biggie

Wyatt Earp, Wyatt's Guns, Tombstone, Guns in the OK Corral

Privacy on Facebook and on Blogs

Jobs in the Middle East, I am a confused American

The Late Andy Rooney - My War

Wyatt Earp, his guns from Tombstone

Oregon - The food crisis - WHY?

I have so much to be Thankful for..


Congress...American Opinion at an all-time low:WHY?

Pakistan...Afghanistan...Time to get out

Aging, being kinder to myself...

Joe Paterno, Jerry Sandusky, and the Penn State Turmoil

Afghanistan - Time to Go

Letters to the Dead

WAR..Peace Museums In Chicago.."Peace" Demonstrations In Oregon

Child Abuse, Coach Joe,the children revolting in the streets, Penn State College and the Football Scandal

Herman Cain ....Sexual Harassment Charges

Making a Case for NOT VOTING

The Rape of the El Con Mall, Tucson Arizona

El Con Mall - the worst job I ever had...

Marana High School - Public School Curic in Arizona, TODAY

Things I Have 71.


The Ides of March.....New Movie .... Falling I Q's in America

Michael Jackson ..R.I.P....Our Culture is circling the Drain

Elections - The Silly Season

Buy GOLD...Now?

Wall Street Protests Today

Japanese disrespect on-board the USS Arizona today

Immigration and dwindling population here and abroad

Charles Lindbergh, America's "Hero"

Regrets - Looking Back

Regrets, I have a few, but then, again, too few to mention...

Too soon old, too late smart....Pennsylvania Dutch

Extremist Muslims and the slaughter of Innocents