Marana High School - Public School Curic in Arizona, TODAY
About 30 years ago I sat on the school board for this suburb of Tucson, Arizona sprawling, mostly agrarian area, comprised of friendly, largely Mormon folks.
Part of the populace has some tract homes nearby where I lived from which I commuted to nearby Tucson for work. The homes were inexpensive - that's why I was there, but it was still in the Marana School District.
I ran for the School Board with some friends, got elected and made a lot of changes. The three of us expanded the existing 5 schools to 10, added some school names that were more creative, dropped some departments, involved more teachers in the process. We shook a lot of people us, but made some good out of our time there.
Now, this - guns in the class room.
There are debates all over our nation about GUNS IN OUR SCHOOLS. Should we allow TEACHERS to carry guns in schools? Should we frisk kids? Are we allowed to? Interesting questions the ACLU often ponders as they haul teachers, principals and whole school systems into court. Part of the constipation in public schools today (and the continual carping on "what's wrong" is the clogging of lawsuits by everyone over everything in schools)
In my experience, I have never seen anything like this: arming students with handguns and showing them how to shoot. IN THE CLASS ROOM DURING CLASS TIME, WHILE THEY SHOULD BE LEARNING ACADEMICS.
Research, please, our state wide statistics on how brainy our high school graduates are NOW when they apply to college. I won't bore you: Jr. colleges are now open enrollments. (wonder why?) Local colleges are teaching HS math 'cause these kids (on average) can't hack the elevated stuff in the halls of ivy. Etc, etc. Arizona is in LAST place academically.
So, what do we do? Teach longer hours? More intensive study? More tutors? No, ...of course not. We teach our kids how to tote a pistol and fire a .44 Mag.
Makes sense, right?
Understand, I am a lifetime member of the NRA and love firearms, 2nd Amendment lover and will defend it to the death, BUT NOT IN PUBLIC SCHOOL. We are dumbing down our kids now without going to this extreme.
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