Jimmy Carter-Malaise...Obama-What?...do you call this?

These guys have spent ten tons of cash, mountains of it. Think of it hundreds of millions of bucks that could easily raise whole states out of poverty (yes I know that will do no good, throwing money at it), and what do we have less than a hundred days before the final vote??
     Practically a dead heat. As Obama would say, " ...say wha?" Depending on who you listen to, it goes back and forth, day by day, point by point. I don't believe anybody. No one.
     I believe history, books are written about it, I have been exact spot, stuck my fingers in the whole, crack, walked the ground, seen the river, etc. I KNOW it to be true.
    The talk? I dunno. I listened to Obama just like you, and...even the far left way out theres are pissed off at him. I'm just stunned at what he said he would do, and didn't. There was a lot. I began to realize, and at my age, realized how often I've swallowed a bill of goods from both sides of the aisle.
    Time to shed the Jimminy Cricket persona. There are really more definitions to one word, like
" is." Take for instance - what the hell is "Social Justice?" Means different things to different people, like Martin Sheen says one thing and George Will another, I'm betting.'
    So, back to Obama and his state of affairs. We've got people hanging off of roadsigns, mentally unhinged folks shooting up churches, movie theatres, and what  not, unhinged. Don 't think so? Our Tucson shooter, wild eyed and and unkempt hollers out at his arraignment " well, thanks for the freak show,!!" bolts the court room on his way to psychiatry half way across country.
    The Sikh Temple shooter can't tell the difference between a Muslim and an Indian religion, so he may have had trouble with the traffic lights on the way over to the temple: red, green, yellow and all. There ARE differences, but who wants to stop and get the facts street.
    One of the problems in America today is that more women are in college today than men which bodes poorly for under-educated, painted up, low-fore headed mouth-breathers who confuse turban wearers for terrorists. Compulsory education in international relations? Not a bad idea.
    And, while I'm at it, who cleared Buffalo Bob Badass for Psyops in the Army in the first place. The psyche must have gotten hisown certification for Nidal Hassan hissonself.
    Nuff said.


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