Our national obsession with ed-u-kation
Columnist George Will reminds us that with the constant improvement in math and science America will soon rank up there with Singapore in high school kids across the fruited plain.
I am reminded that four troubled cities, this one, Tucson, Portland Oregon, Philadelphia and Washington DC all within the last 18 months, had blown through four of the most gifted educational school supertintendants this national has to offer. All of them hit the ground running with plans, practices and resumes well honed to turn our "system" of poor schooling around the corner and head it off in the right direction.
As I write this, all four are gone, burned out, run out, spun out of their chairs, and as I understand it, out of education into other pursuits, looking back at their former cities as bad calls on their job histories. The reason? In my view, to my mind, too much local control.
Portland is known at the national governmental level as "Little Beirut," historical home of the American Communist party and John Reed, now the only US citizen buried in the Kremlin wall, and leftist climes for the likes of Danny Glover to feminists of national remown. So much so, rolling anti-establishment demonstrations are part of the cultural in center city scheduled almost regularly in Pioneer Square every Friday at 5 pm. School Board meetings often look like 60's sit-ins. Newly installed Washington DC Superintendant flew the coop to a west coast private sector job within a year and quietly comments on the hopeless situation from afar. My hometown Philadelphia? The body count continues.
High school graduates nationally less than 70%. Bribes of money and new cars to kids who dare just to hang in for their degrees, I don't know if anyone keeps track of what they do from there.
The Federal Government issues so many H1B visas allowing highly educated, trained foreigners to enter this country to take high paid, professional jobs here that no American can fill. It is allowed assuming an American company can find no one here to assume the job. In 2010, news reports indicate for the first time, the government used all the alloted H1B visas by November 1st of that year. There were no more to be had for the final 2 months of the year. IT HAD NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE. Our educational system, our American students are not interested enough to get educated to fill our own jobs right here in America.
If certain segments of Americans are complaining about the amount of immigrants we see in America who are taking high paying jobs here in this country, we have only as far as our own bathroom mirrors to find whom to blame. HAVE A TALK WITH OUR KIDS. Punish the transgressors. Insist on homework being done. Demand the best from our schools. Show up for parent teacher conferences. Take part in Neighborhood Watch Programs. Buy a firearm and protect your home and family and get professional firearms training.
There are 10 - 15 million American ex-patriots now living along the ocean down in southern Mexico, living off their retirements, off Social Security payments, and living well. You have to ask yourself why?
Clinton and Buchanan once agreed that within our lifetime America could become a third world country.
I am reminded that four troubled cities, this one, Tucson, Portland Oregon, Philadelphia and Washington DC all within the last 18 months, had blown through four of the most gifted educational school supertintendants this national has to offer. All of them hit the ground running with plans, practices and resumes well honed to turn our "system" of poor schooling around the corner and head it off in the right direction.
As I write this, all four are gone, burned out, run out, spun out of their chairs, and as I understand it, out of education into other pursuits, looking back at their former cities as bad calls on their job histories. The reason? In my view, to my mind, too much local control.
Portland is known at the national governmental level as "Little Beirut," historical home of the American Communist party and John Reed, now the only US citizen buried in the Kremlin wall, and leftist climes for the likes of Danny Glover to feminists of national remown. So much so, rolling anti-establishment demonstrations are part of the cultural in center city scheduled almost regularly in Pioneer Square every Friday at 5 pm. School Board meetings often look like 60's sit-ins. Newly installed Washington DC Superintendant flew the coop to a west coast private sector job within a year and quietly comments on the hopeless situation from afar. My hometown Philadelphia? The body count continues.
High school graduates nationally less than 70%. Bribes of money and new cars to kids who dare just to hang in for their degrees, I don't know if anyone keeps track of what they do from there.
The Federal Government issues so many H1B visas allowing highly educated, trained foreigners to enter this country to take high paid, professional jobs here that no American can fill. It is allowed assuming an American company can find no one here to assume the job. In 2010, news reports indicate for the first time, the government used all the alloted H1B visas by November 1st of that year. There were no more to be had for the final 2 months of the year. IT HAD NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE. Our educational system, our American students are not interested enough to get educated to fill our own jobs right here in America.
If certain segments of Americans are complaining about the amount of immigrants we see in America who are taking high paying jobs here in this country, we have only as far as our own bathroom mirrors to find whom to blame. HAVE A TALK WITH OUR KIDS. Punish the transgressors. Insist on homework being done. Demand the best from our schools. Show up for parent teacher conferences. Take part in Neighborhood Watch Programs. Buy a firearm and protect your home and family and get professional firearms training.
There are 10 - 15 million American ex-patriots now living along the ocean down in southern Mexico, living off their retirements, off Social Security payments, and living well. You have to ask yourself why?
Clinton and Buchanan once agreed that within our lifetime America could become a third world country.
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