Guns, carrying guns, Guns in Arizona, fear of guns, guns, guns

The hysteria about guns in Arizona has all but died down here in Tucson, fanned by the Arizona Daily Star, daily since the unfortunate mentally deranged Derek who ran wild in the Safeway parking lot in NW Tucson about a month ago.
     The Star, Tucson's only daily paper, ressurected it former 'lefty' political bonfire of the "fanity" rep in the community by running a virtual non-stop hissy fit in their pages every-single-damn-day in it's editorial pages against, you guessed it, ' THE WORLD RUN AMOK WITH GUNMEN EVERYWHERE.'
     Maybe it was me, but I couldn't find anywhere in the letters-to section anyone who had a common sense missive that threw cold water on the overheated blogo-spheres on gun panic out there. Words failed me, but not apparently the appoplectic cabal of the gun-banners who flooded the pages of the Star, supplemented by the Editorial section who supported everything from Obama's weak-kneed failure to storm every front door in America and rip pistols from our very hands.
    That IS the nightmare most of us God-fear-in, John Wayne-love'n hate the most.
    While at dinner last night with my wife, we bumped into a sheriff's deputy, huge gun and badge hanging off the right hip. Curious as always, I stopped the deputy and asked politely a question. Says I, since the open gun law last Aug 29, the anti-gun crazies, and the Arizona Daily Lefty Star going berzerk-wise, have you kind folks in the law biz noticed any increase in gun related problems? for instance, gun-fights, shoot outs in the street? Wild west show downs in the middle of Church Street like 110 years ago? bank hold ups and gunfights in town in the 1880's? Huh?
    And the deputy said, "NO"  Actually, deputy dog said, it's been quieter since the "open carry" is in effect. "I don't worry about the guns on the street. If someone has a gun, they usually tell me up front, "  he said. " and I'm ok with that. If they don't, I usually find out about it anyway, take it away from them and either arrest them and wind up in a shoot out."
    The town, is QUIETER,' because of the open gun law, the deputy said.


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