Jury Duty, A "shot" at Justice

After spending two weeks on jury duty in a civil case, I come away from the experience, again, enriched and having learned a lot about human nature.
     Do NOT second guess mankind. I  am guilty of that, I suppose. Wait and hear everyone out. That goes for defendants, those who the plaintiffs, and each one in the jury room.
     For every juror has his or her own set of values and they bring them into the jury room in sometimes rather large and sometimes cloaked suitcases.
    I have sometimes been accused of being paranoid. Other times, just realistic.
My time in the jury room has proven to be the latter.
    Our justice system has proven to me that our system is NOT justice but rather a CHANCE at justice, if you will - a SHOT at justice. My experience in court - thank the good Lord, has always been sitting on a jury. And I can say that the defendant or the plaintiff has always fared well trusting in the jury system.
    BUT, at times, it has been dicey. Close. Sometimes, they have won, but by a close shave, and not always dictated by what was right or wrong.
    Evil persists when good people do nothing.


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