Crack Cocaine: Golf or Politics ?

There was once a joke that golf was the crack cocaine of the white middle class male. "Funny" as one comedian quipped. And, true. More politics, business deals, girl friends phone numbers transferred, guys whacked, you name it, on the T's than any night club you could name.
     Golf, the crack cocaine of the business world. Politics, the crack cocaine of the middle class. I was watching CNN just a few minutes ago. Now that we are off the Middle East binge on Egypt's spring board into what passes for Democracy in that region (let's wait and see, shall we?), the honorable news channel is hiding out at CPAC interviewing the White Bread class.
     The right wing, super conservative Repubs are holding court, getting ready to launch the all-out against OBama & Co in 012 as the interview for Uncle Ted's network was spelunking on the subject of "family values."
     Oh, no - not that old saw again. An old friend, now passed on, once said, I'm not cynical, just realistic. As I saw the young, fresh faced couple interviewed on F.V., thought I, whips-suits-and-leather-boots behind closed doors, I'll bet.
     You never know about the up-tight, lilly white, eh?
     The political pendulum swings back and forth, and Obama's generation may have mistakenly pulled the fob way far back, too far to the left and its now time for the swing back to the granny side of the widget. High button shoes may be in come 012.
     In any case, its cocaine for everyone, as we all hit the crack pipe for the next two years, the media will dish it up daily, if not every 60 Minutes on the who/what/where/when every single, ugly, step of the way. We will not be able to get away from it for hell or high water.
    Anybody for old movies?


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