Fox News, Fox Business News, etc, et al.

Every left wing news outlet you can name: MSNBC ad infinitum, and newscaster thereof, never misses a chance to castigate Fox News. I've seen it, heard it, chucled at it. The snide remarks, back handed slaps, Bill Maher crude remarks on that "comedy" show he fawns off on the American public on HBO ( where DOES he get an audience to clap at those remarks?), LOGO TV, Link TV, and other such counter culture outlets, (God Bless America and her liberties for the ability to let freedom and the First Amendment ring for EVERYONE to shoot the mouth off in public, eh what?).
    So, as they say, Fox gathers more viewers than all the others combined, slings and arrows notwithstanding, so my question is  -  if they are so bad, so unscrupulous....How Come President Barack Obama deigns to be Interviewed for a WHOLE HOUR by the chief Inquisitor, Bill O'Reilly?
    So - how come?


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