Jovan Belcher and GUNS

One loose, stupid comment from Costas on NFL sports and we have a national calamity of stupidity. Comes now some ham-handed Fox commentator, a former foo-ball player hissonself who now equates the National Rifle Association with the " new KKK." Imagine the gravitas it takes to become a Fox Sports Commentator. Free Speech, guaranteed, he's allowed to say that, and I respect his right to do so, and I demand my right to offer my point of view in this blog.
     As an old Dutch friend of mine once commented to me, " for the sheer lack of weight - he fell up."
Then he piles on, you loaded us up with drugs and bullets and guns, and kept us down, or some such blather. Then, we wonder why football players like him go over the cliff, pick up guns, or what not, and off those who flick off the switch of sanity and plunge everyone into craziness.
      Logic be damned, right?
      Let us look at the late Jovan, his mother and father must be grieving, for them, we wish solitude and peace.
      For the case, all of us should look at the facts: KC police " believe stress from the relationship, financial problems (?), and alcohol" all blended a toxic mix into the murder suicide. Belcher was 25. In 2006 when he was only 18, his University in Maine said he punched out a window after "becoming upset over a girl in the dorm." He nearly lost part of his hand and thumb.
      Temper, Temper, even that far back. So, we have a life, this far, of massive head injuries, brain damage, alcohol, violence against women - a lot of them, and that's what we KNOW. One wonders as this case moves on, what will we find out as we progress.
       And what does Bob Costas and the lightweight heavy-weight bonehead "sports-commentator" have to say about this?  " dah, guns did it."  Both of these guys are graduates of the College of deep thinkers.
       President Ford fell on his head and he didn't shoot anybody. I saw him do it. The KKK didn't like black people, the NRA has tons of black people in them and they are well armed.


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