
Calm reflection this Christmas. Last year, I planted a desert tree (Mesquite) in my front yard with the help of a mechanized hole digger, and planted the young sapplying nice and deep. This Christmas, it is as tall as the house, bushy, over the drive way, shading the front of the house.
    My mind has been on those Connecticut kids lost at Sandy Hook. Here in Tucson the community has been pre-occupied with our own crazy killer with Gabby Gifford, our local left wing media crazed with anti-gun publishing such stories.
     As a former elementary school teacher for poor children in a down trodden southern Arizona community, my heart would  go out to my second and third grade children each night. No teacher is at the front of a school room for money. None of them.
     Thinking of twenty sets of parents at Sandy Hook, and my own background with children, my wife and I scrounged up twenty (20) stuffed Teddy Bears and hung them helter skelter in that large Mesquite in my front yard. In the center we planted a tight ball of tiny Christmas Lights. At night, it looks like a small heart glowing in the middle of a cluster of childrens' bears hiding in a big tree.
     Quiet, solemn and slowly, the neighbors silently drive and walk by and nod, wave or shake their heads in approval or acceptance in some sort of recognition. We can do nothing more.
      As a member of the NRA, I have been a devoted member of the organization and defender of the 2nd Amendment and will be forever. As a sentient human being, I know and understand that no sane human being can look into the eyes of a darling first grade child and shoot ONE of them, let alone an entire class room full of them, one by one.
      Insanity is running rampant in our country. Shootings are so frequent now it's hard to keep track of them. Lunatics share common characteristics: booking photos show wild eyed frightening detached human beings no long in touch with reality.
      Our task? Find a way to capture them, in concert with society, lock them up and treat them. We try to do it with alcoholics, drunk drivers, why not this type of dangerous person as well?


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