I have a boyhood friend whose relationship has cured some 60 years now on the shelf of life, who has approached a new subject between us, never before breeched - the National Rifle Association.
     I am not a "gun-nut," by any definition. More an adherent to the Constitution, all amendments, thank you very much, I'm particularly fond of the 2nd, scared to death of losing it, taking historical note of the French Machii, the Jewish Resistance, and a half dozen other world wide oppressed who fought back with guns.
     Never have I imagined that it would happened here, not with Presidents like Reagan, Bush, even Clinton (altho a stretch, to be sure), but still, one has to have faith. 
     Not now.
     With the current administration's toilet paper use of the Constituition's admonitions for proper civil behavior ( even left-wing college professors who voted for THE MAN, appear on the tube looking shaken and nervous over the "obvious disruption" over rupture of legal juris prudence)
gives one more than pause.
      Civil unrest drives down confidence levels to 13% - lowest ever. EVER. Now what?
      My friend and I had one go round on the NRA, I tagged a column on an illegal city council meeting law against home owners and their lawful guns for home protection. The NRA was going to court to help overturn this tinker toy town and help protect the town's citizen. I also mentioned that last year, more firearms were manufactured and sold in that year than ever before, according to the
BATFE (gov't's) own statistics.
      My buddy, shouted at me back, he would no longer read, discuss, tolerate, absorb ANYTHING that had NRA attached to it. His fire-breathing missive all in caps, said, "I'm sure you'll agree!!"
      Well, of course, I don't and told him so. I said I would comply, but not agree, and further I am a died in the wool lifetime NRA Lifetime member and will remain so until I'm dead and buried. Because of my faith in their fight ---MY fight to hold sacred the 2nd Amendment, which is and always will be - AMERICA'S ORIGINAL HOMELAND SECURITY.


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