The Generals

Hubris: the rules don't apply to me. On CNN tonight they reviewed the Generals bad behavior towards their bad sexual attitudes with women. Don't give me that "boys will be boys" crap, either, bud.
     Where is the honor? the chivalry, the commitment? I think of JFK's comment, " I can do anything I want because no one will find out, and, if I'm dead, what's the difference?"
      With the Petraeus indiscretion, it rubs off on the top military - the four and five star generals and the admirals. The guys who actually run things are screwing up and ruining reputations of the service.
       Badly....the implications are Petraeus and his buddy General Allen are both....ah, "friendly" (?) with two women who are carping at each other one of whom is blabbing to an FBI agent, and the story takes on a James Bond flavor.
       My twist is: - where are the two women relative to Blofeld and company? There has got to be a connection with Goldfinger there somewhere. This can't just be hormones. After all, mistress number one knew about the two prisoners being held Benghazi.
       How DID she know that? Pillow talk? Hmmm.


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