Hollywood and Politics

Much has been written about "Stars" and the glitterati endorsing various candidates this critical year in American presidential selection. My two cents: nuts. I've heard Tubular opinions both ways, affects public opinion/ doesn't affect opinion.
    What scares me is that it probably does. My intelligence wishes that it shouldn't, my cynicism says that it does, it really does. When glamorus shines her pretty white teeth and breasts at the audience and says, " Oooh, Here does it for ME." the candidate surely gets the vote.
     I wish like hell it wasn't so, but in a land where cartoons frequent the net showing ladies pumping the current top-guy with smiles, hand pumps and " WHERE'S MY FREE S*&#"? and the current  
non free-basing population head count pugilist is counted as already 47/47, that means the country is already split - half of them are on the train of " I want my free stuff."
     Wherever that half of the country went, it wasn't to Economics class.
      Tell me, chum, how far over your credit card limit can you run without the bank calling YOU in for a talk, pal?
      I doubt the likes of Susan Sarandon, Tom Hanks,and Scarlett Johannson have money problems with their local banks and credit cards like the rest of us do, so doing TV ads for Barack Obama can only help them not hurt.
      But, for the rest of us, Greece, as the economists put it, may soon not be just a TV story. When the police get cut, interest rates get artificially get shortened , electric power gets turned off at night to save, mail deliver gets cut to 3 days a week, public transit cuts back to 5 days a week, and
air transportation - that will take a hit in fuel surcharges and other areas as well.
      Hollywood; thh



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