The Arrogance of Youth---Job prospects for Seniors

Sixty years ago, sitting in my father's house in southwest Philly, I remember looking at old folks, thinking something like - how dare they take up space.
     My world was young and vibrant. I had things to do that were new and exciting, places to go, girls to... Well, you get the idea.
     Old(er) people were always getting in the way, telling me what to do, not to do, what was wrong with my thinking. I remember my father telling me that " you think that Bobby Darren song, Mack-the-Knife is so new? It's decades old!! It used to be called the Three Penny Opera."
    Insulting, actually.
    Now, I'm there, looking back on all that knowledge, wisdom and realize that as an ex-wife once said has always been true: when you get grey hair, you become "invisible."
   The younger (dumber) generation actually thinks getting older means you get stupider. Yes, they are arrogant
    Job interviews: one guy from a chemical company trotted through a standard litmus test of questions, handed me back my resume and said, thanks, but can't use you. On the way out the door, he says, " Everything OK?, I didn't say anything about your grey hair, did I? "
   No, I answered, and I didn't say anything about yours, either.
   Another looked at my resume and blurted out, " Jesus! Your qualified for MY job."  Nope, didn't get it. Another, "How do you feel about working back there with all 'those kids.'
    Wall Street Journal and other tabs of national note all have predicted that the job market will require more mature, skilled, steady hands in the market place in the coming months and years, calling on a return of seniors in the world of work.
     Hog wash.
     The only such evidence I have seen are aged seniors punching cash registers at Walmart, Walgreens, and dry cleaning stores. I walked into a high end Fortune 500 while on a trip to San Diego and quizzed a post puebescent HR type about my prospects while there.
    " Why sure, " she chirped, " I'm sure we can find something in uniformed security."  I am a former divisional vice president and a Wharton School graduate with $500 million dollar budgetary responsibilities.
    " I'm sorry, " she fluttered, ' thats about all we might have for someone within your 'PROFILE GROUP.'
    She was 23 and a recent graduate of some college called Wheaton, wherever that was.
    I recall long ago Governor lamb of Colorado who shot his mouth off about seniors had a duty to die and get the hell out of the way for the rest of society. Funny how things come around to bite one in the rear end. I havent followed the good Governor's progress but one wishes he has followed his own advice.


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