DISARMING AMERICA.......now playing in a courtroom near you

Unless you're insane, or an old Nazi still basking in the glories of the Third Reich, recent subterranean moves by the Obama Administration to confiscate or disarm American firearms from their legal owners is picking up pacel
     Tomorrow, in California, all you have to do is suggest " John Smith" is mentally unbalanced to the authorities, and BANG! they hit his front door and confiscate his fire arms for at least 21 days, no questions asked, no lawyers involved thank you very much.
     Now, they say, 21 days...sure. (If you're lucky)  So much for the 2nd Amendment, by legislative fiat. What's next?  The First?
     Presidential Candidate Hillary is investigating Australia's gun confiscation practice. She said so.
Great. AMERICA, we have been warned. Pol Pot disarmed Cambodia and when he collected all the guns, it was reported he trembled at the fact his populace was better armed than his Army.
     Adolph disarmed all of his people (... until he needed them in the end.)  Uncle Joe Stalin? All the people had was pitchforks and prayers and he murdered 25 MILLION of his own. Easy pickins.
     We are being slowly disarmed. Face it. It's time for us to use lawyers as weapons, to realize that punching a hole in the Constitution means a lot more of it will run out of that hole.


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