In film Oxbow, three hapless cowboys are eventually hanged by a roving gang of vigilantes looking for what they think are horse thieves. The cowboys were just passing through, late at night, knowing nothing from nothing. 
     Try as they might, explaining away circumstances, vigilantes eventually hang them, and they hoop it up. The sheriff shows up too late, and tells them they real bad guys had been  caught and are in jail. How the lawyers and judge will ever pick an impartial jury out of that crowd in Baltimore is anyone's guess, because all I remember is that raging crowd in the riots that followed. 
     Further, what would befall a jury that does judge fairly, again, those rioting crowds? It wouldn't be the first time a jury was tampered with.
     In my opinion, the six police officers bear a similarity to the " Oxbow Incident" that ancient western film where vigilantes lost their heads and killed three innocents. From what I saw from a 3,000 mile distance, the riots, the political back drop, the lack of true leadership, the failure of the true justice system to grant a change of venue, I predict  more trouble in store for the police in this case.
    The death of anyone is a tragedy. Especially under the circumstances outlined in the Gray case, but, under these circumstances, you don't have to have a JD degree and sit on the Supreme Court to determine that larger legal heads MUST prevail and analyze all facets of the case before malfeasance is visited on the six officers, the Justice system and Baltimore as a whole.


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