There is a lot of noise lately about poor teaching, crappy schools, the teaching corps as a whole, the "process", etc, tedium-ad-naseum, talk, talk,talk.
     Ever notice, lots of gas in the room, nothing EVER gets solved? Nothing EVER gets changed?  Here in Tucson, Arizona I use this as a text book example, the following happens: ( I have a sneaking suspicion it goes on elsewhere as well) the local school district has scads of job openings.
     Lots. Each year, we graduate loads of kids with low grades, scores continually auger downward, so the media tell us. National media tout the downward spiral of the nation's newest grads their IQS headed for the drink.
     More babble for talk show hosts on bad schools. Nothing results.
     Anyway, back to Tucson: lots of openings. One calls on the District to find out the REQUIREMENTS to fill the job. Stiff - masters degrees, lots of Certifications on teaching proficiency.
     Some national media conducting surveys have concluded that a portion of ex-teachers polled say schools could not print enough money to EVER draw them back into teaching. EVER. Query the top echelon of the school system with the question, "Why not lower the standards to include all college grads, not just teacher certifications?"
     No soap, they say. Ya gotta have the classroom training. Then, they go and up the requirements another knotch.
     Go figure.


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