He will not let go. What is it, two weeks? a day or two more, or less? And they guy has no class, no sense of sophistication, not enough to understand you sit down, SHUT THE HELL UP, put on your Tux the 20th, smile on the front steps of the Capitol, and leave.
So far, our current Major Domo, has made a fool of himself into place or initiate or irritate the upcoming administration. Reminds me of the Clinton Administrations' Last Day on the job. Remember? They left the West Wing, after Elmer's Gluing all the computers, wrecking the computer screens and screwing up the file drawers. Other such mayhem ensued.
There is a custom on the 20th that the outgoing and incoming White House residents meet in the reception room, have tea or lunch, then the departing couple leaves. WITH THE CURRENT TENSION, I DOUBT MR. TRUMP WILL DO IT.
In my opinion it appears that outgoing president Obama seems to be in a panic over incoming president Trump's vow to " un-do" all of Obama's main achievements done mostly with thinly veiled reverseable executive orders upon his first week in the office. That alone seems to be driving Obama nuts.
PS also noted is that at every practical opportunity, President0elect Trump sppears on camera with the gorgeous wife Melania and often his daughter Ivanka, two of the most beautiful women even to grace Washington. Who says Donald Trump is stupid?
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