I am a full blooded, balls-against-the-wall Patriot and am NOT afraid to admit it. Up to and during the election had a huge sign out front that simply said  Benghazi, and painted over it were four red crosses.
     My little contribution to who WAS NOT THERE to answer the 3 am phone call. Who buried all the information we all wanted to know. ' AT THIS POINT...." you get the point.
     There is a fountain in the court at the Alamo. It's peaceful now, trees, winds blow throw the courtyard, the well in the middle of the courtyard still is in use. During the Battle of the Alamo when 185 Texans died, there was five minutes when twelve Americans were slaughtered at that well. Shot and stabbed by the Mexican Army as they defended the courtyard.
     At the defensive line on Cemetery Hill at Gettysburg, during Pickett's Charge, Confederate Troops surged across the meadow below, under a murderous hail of gunfire and cannon shots to hit the stone walls of the Union troops. There is an Angle there, shaped like an L. Dozens on both sides there in the most gut wrenching, hand to hand fighting fighting ever recorded, right there in the knoth of that L. I stood in that L, also, on a quiet sunny afternoon looking down on the meadow. Both sides killed more Americans that one afternoon than in all of the Revolutionary War.
    My Family Ancestors lost five people that day, three Union Generals, two Union Corps Commanders, and a couple of foot soldiers from that county. I felt an acute sense of guilt the last time I stood on the L, on Cemetery Hill. I wished I had been there.
    Other family ancestors had affairs with presidents, were hung as in Salem, were Washington's unofficial first Treasurer of the United States, before officially sworn in, Michael Hillegas. I wish I could do more for my country, much more. My whole life has been trying to do that, but missing the mark.  Trump can now claim about 75,000 jobs and he isn't even sworn in YET.
    And now we have Hollywood "Heros," like the Golden Globe folks who trash our incoming president Donald Trump. The "actresses" who stomp sour grapes with the children of Americas spoi
led universities kids, exercises her first Amendment rights with the best of 'em. In spite of her Princess first class, Billary, who is on record as trashing the God giving right.
    They have a right to express their BELIEFS that we are wrong. Let them tout their childish behaviors about stubbing their toes in the dark. We came within inches of losing the country due to inherent stupidity. We almost lost it. Now, Education from the top is going to change things. So is Donald Trump.
    And Hollywood.....better remember, First Amendment cuts both ways. Go ahead, speak your minds, get it off your chests. But remember, if get insulting, degrading, you bosses are the people who  buy theatre tickets.


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