Let me get 5his straight...if an American crosses illegally into Mexico, you can get jailed for a long time. Remember the American Marine carrying his dad's antique rifle?
Travel into Afghanistan, you could get shot. Cross over into Iron, that's two years (at least in the pokey) and if your nuts enough to enter North Korea, God knows how long you'll spend in one of those dank, dark god-forsaken prisons, and then, it will take Bill Clinton and him standing with that prune faced little dictator for a foto-op to get you out.
Last I heard, crossing over into Canada ILLEGALLY was a no-no, and legally, you could only stay for tourism, leave your money then scram back to home. If you're moving, better have six months of cash to support yourself, otherwise - you're out of luck. And Switzerland, back in the day, $10k just for buying citizenship. Got the cash? Taxes in France? Up to 75 percent, so high famous French actors are moving to Russia. (!!!) Now that's desperation.
America, cross into our country illegally? What happens to you? We give you free lodging, drivers licenses, health care, lawyers, put you on the dole, even let you file law suits protesting that you are being discriminated against - your human rights are being violated by the government in Washington for not granting you and your children asylum: funded by the taxpayer.
Illegal immigrants are so well organized in America they even protest in public "demanding" an education and are getting specially reduced tuition breaks in local American Colleges not available to American citizens who finance these colleges through local property taxes.
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