Barack and the Truth
It is my belief that Mr. Obama's continual stretching his good nature, beautiful smile, winsome easy going nature and continual loud music, smoke, mirrors and giant curtain covering the Giant Oz has now drawn to an inevitable close.
" Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain, " the mighty Oz bellows out behind the smoke and thunder, he who promised the transparent administration. He of the " Internet " open ended justice, you-can-see-all from the white house.
Remember Joe-the-Plumber? " I just want to spread it out all over?" Joe was sweating, I remember the TV interview. "I just want to be fair, Barrack said.
No taxes for "ANYBODY MAKING UNDER $250,000 A YEAR," remember?
Did you check YOUR paycheck the last two months?
Now Everybody is pissed off at Barack.
Oh, never mind this big national debt Bill O'Reilly screams about, fuggeddabout it. In plain terms, we're ALL gonna pay for it, me, you, your grandmother. You know how? In a few years, bread is gonna be $10 a loaf, that's how. Coke? At least $7 a bottle, maybe more. Get the picture?
Meanwhile, Michelle has 200 "assistants." Mrs Laura Bush had 2. Dr. Ben Carson spoke up at a prayer breakfast right in front of the president and you know what he said? This is all wrong!! We are all responsible for what we do, the government cannot help us out of everything. Stop doing this to us.
Basically, that's what it was. I wonder if anyone was listening.
" Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain, " the mighty Oz bellows out behind the smoke and thunder, he who promised the transparent administration. He of the " Internet " open ended justice, you-can-see-all from the white house.
Remember Joe-the-Plumber? " I just want to spread it out all over?" Joe was sweating, I remember the TV interview. "I just want to be fair, Barrack said.
No taxes for "ANYBODY MAKING UNDER $250,000 A YEAR," remember?
Did you check YOUR paycheck the last two months?
Now Everybody is pissed off at Barack.
Oh, never mind this big national debt Bill O'Reilly screams about, fuggeddabout it. In plain terms, we're ALL gonna pay for it, me, you, your grandmother. You know how? In a few years, bread is gonna be $10 a loaf, that's how. Coke? At least $7 a bottle, maybe more. Get the picture?
Meanwhile, Michelle has 200 "assistants." Mrs Laura Bush had 2. Dr. Ben Carson spoke up at a prayer breakfast right in front of the president and you know what he said? This is all wrong!! We are all responsible for what we do, the government cannot help us out of everything. Stop doing this to us.
Basically, that's what it was. I wonder if anyone was listening.
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