"The Old Geezer Brigade" -- A sense of Safety within America??
This morning, I got an E/mail with a picture of a very old guy, looked like a hard rock miner from the 1880's, holding a fully loaded AR 15. he was out in the desert, back grounded with mountains, no smile, meant business.
His "story" was, I'm an old guy, seen it all, was there at the beginning, fought to keep the country free, been thru the hard times, proud to help, but won't let the US of A go down the edge of which it teeters on today. That's about it.
He wanders on, A lot of us, he says, are still old enough to carry a rifle, shoot it, and fight back to save us all when the Socialists try and take over as they most surely will. We did not fight, sweat, suffer and die for THIS, he says.
And, we mean it, he continues. There is fire in his eyes, determination in his arthritic arms gripping his weapon, and i believe him. He makes a case against the current government, warns of calamity, and says that the "geezers" are there to protect us when and if things fall apart.
I believe that, too. He recounts .25 cent gas, bottled milk at your front door, mail delivery three times a day, air raids, Germans blowing up trash cans in Atlantic City and the Japanese dropping bombs in Oregon, all are familiar to me. He recalls that we go forward, and never to go backward to the miserable days of Viet Nam. Ditto, he's got me.
I worry how we got to such a miserable state of affairs in our country that hoards of old men, like me, are so motivated to arm themselves with high powered weapons in fear that the " last stand" might be a force coming up Main Street a'la "Red Dawn."
Art AND life crashing together in American home towns?
A scary thought.
The question remains: how did the average American get to the point that we do not feel a sense of safety in our own country???
His "story" was, I'm an old guy, seen it all, was there at the beginning, fought to keep the country free, been thru the hard times, proud to help, but won't let the US of A go down the edge of which it teeters on today. That's about it.
He wanders on, A lot of us, he says, are still old enough to carry a rifle, shoot it, and fight back to save us all when the Socialists try and take over as they most surely will. We did not fight, sweat, suffer and die for THIS, he says.
And, we mean it, he continues. There is fire in his eyes, determination in his arthritic arms gripping his weapon, and i believe him. He makes a case against the current government, warns of calamity, and says that the "geezers" are there to protect us when and if things fall apart.
I believe that, too. He recounts .25 cent gas, bottled milk at your front door, mail delivery three times a day, air raids, Germans blowing up trash cans in Atlantic City and the Japanese dropping bombs in Oregon, all are familiar to me. He recalls that we go forward, and never to go backward to the miserable days of Viet Nam. Ditto, he's got me.
I worry how we got to such a miserable state of affairs in our country that hoards of old men, like me, are so motivated to arm themselves with high powered weapons in fear that the " last stand" might be a force coming up Main Street a'la "Red Dawn."
Art AND life crashing together in American home towns?
A scary thought.
The question remains: how did the average American get to the point that we do not feel a sense of safety in our own country???
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