Presidential Politics - This year's "Side-Show"

As the main-stream media starts to feed on the Republican field of candidates all biting at each other, further driving up the blood feud, the viscera gets more personal, more deadly.
     Obama must be enjoying the fray, his team engineering the battle to find the most "un-" electable candidate to land the top spot for elephant race this summer.
     The more friends I talk to, the more Independents I find. Take, for instance the newly emerging movement " VOTE N.O." which stands for " Not Obama."
     I am told, look for it on milk cartons, bus stops, Internet pop ups appearing soon near you. Followed by A.B.O, or, Anybody But Obama, also floating through the Internet, just starting this January. Brought on by mostly independents.
    No wonder poll after poll indicates a dissatisfaction with all the elephants in the race: Bachmann is gone, Perry is, wait - he's back in Texas thinking about it.
   Wait a minute - no...he's back in again...maybe. Hell, who knows. Huntsman, well, we'll see, what? 1%? That was it? Hmm. Mitt, just squeaked through? Look, it's early yet. Remember Jimmy Carter? He came out of nowhere and took the ticket way back in the stone age, and ----look what we got. ( ugh !)
   I recall all the grand promises made in the last election, and when it was over and day one started, well: what happened?
   A lot of disappointment. NO ONE was happy. Remember? I don't trust anybody now, AND as a result, we now have the largest growth of political independents in history.


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