The Arizona Daily Star and Gun Control

Everyone of us who lives in Tucson, Arizona understands where the local newspaper's position is on guns, gun control and civilian gun ownership by now: they don't want it.
    Ever since last January 8th's lunatic shoot-out at a local shopping center and six people were killed by a maniac with a handgun, the morning newspaper has gone overboard by publishing anti-gun slanted articles in their paper, Tucson's only wide-circulation newsprint.
    The old cliche is true, you can't argue with someone who buys their ink by the barrel.
     For at least four decades that I can recall and track with news clippings, the National Rifle Association, it's members and general public have said they fear what they call the "anti-gunners" because their secret agenda is to abolish private gun ownership. Over the same four decades, the people who advocate
"tighter and tighter handgun and firearms ownership controls" have denied this attack.
    In today's Arizona Daily Star, all bets are off. The anti-gun folks have been prodded out of the shadows. In a front page (1) article by the Star's Tim Stellar, Kristen Rand, Legislative Director of something called "Violence Policy Center" (whatever THAT is) clearly states: " our opinion reduce the level of firepower in the hands of civilians."
    Read the Second Amendment. Gun sales will, and should soar prior to the general election, they did right after Obama was elected. Don't let it be said that you WERE NEVER TOLD.


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