WAR..Peace Museums In Chicago.."Peace" Demonstrations In Oregon

"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feelings which thinks nothing worth a war, is worse...A man who has nothing which he is willing to fight for, nothing which he cares more about more about than he does about his persona safety, is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."
       .......John Stuart Mill 1862 (The Contest of America)
    The time for disorder in America is over. The "Occupy" movements around the country are rapidly creeping anarchy, especially so in Portland, Oregon, a city that has never left the turbulent Sixties, in my opinion. I lived there for most of a decade witnessing civil unrest every Friday afternoon at 5 pm in Pioneer Square in center city.
    Home of the American revolutionary John Reed, a communist, who it is written, founded the American Communist party, is the only US citizen buried in the famous wall in Moscow, adjoining the Lenin Museum. John Reed College still teaches Communism on their curriculum, as I have witnessed living there.
    I personally talk to B-17 World War 11 pilots and other crew members every week, acting as a docent in a B-17 museum in Tucson.
Each and every one of them volunteered to fly into the teeth of death, knowing they had a one in three chance of surviving 25 missions to get a chance to go home.
    Same for the heroes who volunteer to fight in Afghanistan, Iraq and a dozen other places around the world. Heroes all.
    So, go ahead, erect your peace museums, twist your gun barrels all you want, fine noble ideas, but remember this.
    If the pilots and crew didn't fly into the shadows of death and stand that crazy Nazi bastard Hitler down...we would all being speaking German by now, and you would all be siring blue-eyed blond boys.
   Or, be shot for not trying.


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