Herman Cain ....Sexual Harassment Charges

The leading Republican candidate, so far, suddenly falls under scrutiny due to a handful of "charges" of sexual improprieties.
    Suddenly. The question that should be discussed, but the main-line media is avoiding is this - WHY NOW?
    Why, at this particular moment, when Mr. Cain was at his high point at the polls, did these women come forward, now?
    If true, why didn't all these women come forward when he was the head of the Restaurant Association, or as an Associate Pastor?
   Why now? What caused this cause-belli at this moment in time? 
   And, we should also remember how well the shoe fits on the other foot, Bill Clinton and John Kennedy, whose combined sexual indiscretions would fill a small town phone book.
   Recall with me that Mr. Clinton's exploits attempted to mimic President Kennedy's as outlined in Seymour Hersch's tome, "The Dark Side of Camelot," and fell far short, I might add. To which the public (and press) turned a blind eye in Kennedy's case, and a forgiving one in Mr. Clinton's imbroglio.
   As memory serves, the farther Mr. Clinton became involved in Ms Lewinsky's story, the higher President Clinton's approval ratings climbed in the public polls.
   So, we shall see if equality in the press rules the day, and, if Mr. Cain is treated fairly, and if the "truth" will see the light of day.
   In the end, if Candidate Cain is as big a swordsman as Mr. Clinton was (is), let's hope for the same fairness in the scales of public reaction.


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