Jane Fonda

It is almost sad. She's back again, appearing on a talk show last night, the headline was " triumph over tragedy."
    Of course, she was made up to look like she was 40, she is 3 years older than I am...74, with some 30 surgeries behind her.
    It is sad, this repeated effort on her part to try, once again, to revitalize her shattered career from the horrible Viet Nam War she participated in. Hanoi Jane they called her. There wasn't an Anti-American rally she did not attend. Later, she organized them, stirred up riots, encouraged insurrections, the famous anti-aircraft gun shots sitting in the enemy's gun positions aiming at our fighter aircraft.
   She later regreted only that much.
   Two films later, just a few years ago, flopped. A couple of TV interviews didn't work, neither did a marriage to Ted Turner, God knows why. Now, back again, I didn't watch it. Now in the twilight of her years, too sad, too pathetic.
   Most of America knows, remembers, the Hanoi Hilton visits with Ramsey Clarke, a former attorney general of the United States. There, they berated our servicemen held captive by our enemies.
   That was then, this is now. Comes now an older Jane Fonda, in what condition we know not. Tokyo Rose we took into our bosom, she died in Detroit, I am told. We took her in. Axis Sally, she found a home here, too.
   We absorbed many of our enemies here in the bosom of freedom. I know that there are several Nazi pilots who live in San Diego that belong to an aviation club there and fraternize with old American WWII B-17 pilots.
    Maybe it's time we forgive and forget the horrendous acts of stupidity of Jane Fonda. If we can give aid and comfort to the above, maybe we can forgive and forget the treasonous acts of our own in time.
    But, then again, as commentator/comedian Dennis Miller says, that's my opinion, I could be wrong.


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