Adolph Hitler and the FLDS...

In my later years, my love of history has been fanned by my close association with a World War II B-17 about which I have written alot lately. After persistent viewing History Channel tapes of that period and the tapes at the Museum, I can't help but Be shocked at the mass hysteria of the women in the German crowds leading up to the rise of Herr Hitler at the outset of the insanity before the wars outbreak.
    Close-ups of the women and the young girls shows an almost trance-like state of the distaff gender as der Fehuer passes by. History provides heavily weighted proof that most young girls threw themselves at him, wanting to have his baby. (My God how disgusting) At one point he set aside two separate camps for your boys and girls in the mountains. Not far apart, they were encouraged to meet and "play" during weekends. Soon after, the girls returned home from summer camp pregnant. Parents fumed, some young girls were killed, boys too. Herr Hitler was spawning his new race.
   Flash forward to the crowd scene in Ed Sullivan shows of the Beatles, Elvis and the girls pulling their hair out, fainting, and the camp followers running after them from city to city. It is unknown how many children walk our city streets with those band members DNA.
   And comes now the FLDS, the walking "zombies" in Colorado City in northern Arizona. Not unlike Stepford Wives, they do it with smiles on their faces, without a word of complaint - AT ANY AGE. TV reporter Gary Tuchman interviewed a ice cream store youngster at the window and asked her about the rapist newly convicted.
  "Oh, I love him, " she said. She couldn't have been more than 17 or 18. "I would be happy to marry him and have his children, to be one of his sister wives."
   You would have no problem with that, Tuchman asked.
   " Oh no," she answered.
   I thought immediately of those girls along Hitler's bath but a few months before his troops sucked up Poland. The glazed look in their eyes. The young girls in the camps, subjecting themselves to impregnation at the hands of young boys, just because they were " Good Germans," following the orders of der Fuhrer.
   Now the leader is away in jail in Colorado City forever, but it is not over. Not now. It continues, and there are some people here, now, who believe we might be pressing them too much based on religious persecution. I have heard this argument with mine own ears.
   Religious persecution!! Having SEX with an eleven year old girl, on tape, in front of witnesses??!!
   Think about that.  In the name of God...not my God it isn't. The Arabs believe when you die in battle you go to Valhalla with 72 virgins waiting for you. Can any man imagine that? What in hell are you going to do with 72 virgins? No man I have ever known would EVER want to take on the responsibility of more than one, and that, he would hope, would be the woman he married.
   What a crazy world. Of course, the above is just my opinion, as an old codger, I could be wrong.


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