The Arizona Daily Star

Our daily paper here in Tucson is the Star, long known locally for its left-leaning politics.
    I'm sure you would get two or three of the writers who are left there out on the street ready for a fist-fight over that comment, but, like it or not, they are politically left-wingers by any objective definition.
    By mine, I am a former right-winger, Wharton School graduate, former Republican, Air Force vet, NRA member, fed on the breast milk of capitalism, marketing, free market based business oriented background. I have spent my alleged career trying to sell and/or manage large businesses delivering goods or services to the public.
    In the last decade of my life, my views have moderated to the center, now a registered Independent, much like Lou Dobbs of TV fame, I think nothing much works well anymore, and that includes our local daily paper.
    Left wing politics fails at economics. Boulder, Colorado, Tucson, Portland, Oregon, ( the birthplace of John Reed, Reed College and of American Communism ) and other such hangouts, grasp economic re-distribution in the extreme, view picking the pockets of the government to feed the under served, the under privileged (and there are masses of each ) until, they feel, we are all back on our collective feet.
   The government, after all, has deep pockets, endless funds, vast amounts of money. After all, they can just print more. Right?
   Wrong. The Star, absent of a good classical education in economics fails to understand the underpinnings of what got our country started, the engine that runs this place, and the oil that lubricates our little enteprise. I think, they even fail to understand the profit they need to generate the sale of their own newspaper. I think.
     Government, dear friends, gets its money from us, you, me, your uncle, sister, brother, cousin...all of us. Its called - taxes.
    Almost like Portland, Oregon, and the Oregonian, the environment is the church of the front page. As they say in the newspaper biz, front page, above the fold, we read about useless studies on swearing helps releave pain, mold in closets, mosquitoes in back yards, aircraft noise - all this while the world burns on section II.
    The cartoonist writes a "column" on Saturday rage masquerading as humor, unfunny if it were not fit for a therapy session, and I wonder if it is read much at all. A self described "hippy," he forces himself on CNN the day of the January 8th shootings and rants about Tucson's "gun culture" that later is disproven in countless press reports about the young man's mental state. Clearly, the accused left sanity years ago, long in the dust of his childhood. He was so close to the Congresswoman, he could have done the same damage with a bomb or a meat cleaver.
    Most of the Star, as I read it, consists of was formerly "Opinion Page" fodder now spread throughout the pages from front to back. Objective reporting is best read in the Phoenix Paper, the Arizona Republic. I wonder what out-of-staters must think of Tucson when all that represents us in print media are the Arizona Daily Star and the Tucson Weekly.


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