La Raza "Studies"
A lot of light and heat around this subject in Tucson lately, mostly about whether the local school district -TUSD -can teach the Hispanic students about their 'culture.'
A lot of us Anglos don't understand what that means. Press reports picture Hispanics in demonstrations outside government buildings holding signs "demanding free...." (you fill in the blank). Illegal aliens are now political correct9ly) called 'undocumented residents.' One even said, I saved this one on my computer, " YOU OWE ME."
An A student in California announced he is an illegal, virtually daring the government to do something about it. Our president, not the most daring of war-time leadings, so far, is losing his advisors faster than a shaggy dog after a tick bath. I honestly feel sorry for the guy.
He, and the administration, as far as I read in the media, do nothing.
I digress.
La Raza (!) emphasis theirs demands, pleads, cajoles that "ethnic studies" remain in Tucson schools. W white kid on the payroll of the Arizona Daily Star writes an empassioned plea to leave it alone, albeit, a nonsensical one.
A recent Washington DC study says that the kids scholastic achievement = poor = seems to be due in large part to ( cymbals please) to the parents. Recently printed in the self same Arizona Daily Star, I cut it out for my wife and my own consumption, she of the classroom aide in Yuma for three years and in Tucson. I of the front end of the classroom as a teacher in Yuma for three years there as well.
Of course the parents are to blame in large part. There are other factors, but we are glad somebody said it. That's another blog.
Well, the new law goes into effect next month, and that is that. Lest we forget laws, as one lawyer once told me are usually generated because somebody ticked off somebody or a group of somebodys, then a law was passed to stop it. Take Enron for example, take cheating on your taxes or speeding, or, slipping across the border into Russia, for example. All against somebody's law, all will get you into trouble, and eventually jail.
There are rules. You have to follow them. I do, my kids do, wife does, minister does, and when people don't our system of government has things, people, cops, Army, Border Patrol, and other operations in effect to keep us all safe. I wouldn't live any other place.
If La Raza's purpose is to educate children of Hispanic origin for the future, to help them fit into the American lifestyle, good. Is that their purpose? In Brodsky's column that ignited all this, he mentioned an Hispanic speaker at Tucson High School (who was a Republican) addressed the Hispanic students who inteperently placed duct tape across all the mouths.
Attending too many Martin Sheen sit ins were they? Or the curriculum at La Raza a little too toxic? Let's drag out the lesson plans and find out what they have to teach these kids.
Brodsky's club footed column raises more questions that it answered, and frankly, I'm more confused about La Raza and "ethnic Studies" than ever before.
My first exposure to La Raza was three weeks after I arrived in Tucson in May of 1976 when I started to manage the old Ramada in at 1-10 and St Mary's. Early one Saturday I arrived late for work and found La Raza picketing my hotel. Two female members of the group, a white woman, and one hispanic, stopped me at the door and said bruskly, "we've shut down your hotel."
"Like hell you have, " I told them. I'm the manager. " And you're not going to shut my hotel. "
After I caught my breath I took the two women aside and negotiated a deal that would not involve the police or the press. We all agreed they would pull the picketers back away from the door, we would continue business and they could express themselves.
They were so loud with their bullhorns and screaming, I could barely hear them. I went out twice and warned them that if the noise level wasn't lowered, I would dispatch the police and throw them off the property. They complied.
La Raza may have changed in 35 years, let's hope so.
A lot of us Anglos don't understand what that means. Press reports picture Hispanics in demonstrations outside government buildings holding signs "demanding free...." (you fill in the blank). Illegal aliens are now political correct9ly) called 'undocumented residents.' One even said, I saved this one on my computer, " YOU OWE ME."
An A student in California announced he is an illegal, virtually daring the government to do something about it. Our president, not the most daring of war-time leadings, so far, is losing his advisors faster than a shaggy dog after a tick bath. I honestly feel sorry for the guy.
He, and the administration, as far as I read in the media, do nothing.
I digress.
La Raza (!) emphasis theirs demands, pleads, cajoles that "ethnic studies" remain in Tucson schools. W white kid on the payroll of the Arizona Daily Star writes an empassioned plea to leave it alone, albeit, a nonsensical one.
A recent Washington DC study says that the kids scholastic achievement = poor = seems to be due in large part to ( cymbals please) to the parents. Recently printed in the self same Arizona Daily Star, I cut it out for my wife and my own consumption, she of the classroom aide in Yuma for three years and in Tucson. I of the front end of the classroom as a teacher in Yuma for three years there as well.
Of course the parents are to blame in large part. There are other factors, but we are glad somebody said it. That's another blog.
Well, the new law goes into effect next month, and that is that. Lest we forget laws, as one lawyer once told me are usually generated because somebody ticked off somebody or a group of somebodys, then a law was passed to stop it. Take Enron for example, take cheating on your taxes or speeding, or, slipping across the border into Russia, for example. All against somebody's law, all will get you into trouble, and eventually jail.
There are rules. You have to follow them. I do, my kids do, wife does, minister does, and when people don't our system of government has things, people, cops, Army, Border Patrol, and other operations in effect to keep us all safe. I wouldn't live any other place.
If La Raza's purpose is to educate children of Hispanic origin for the future, to help them fit into the American lifestyle, good. Is that their purpose? In Brodsky's column that ignited all this, he mentioned an Hispanic speaker at Tucson High School (who was a Republican) addressed the Hispanic students who inteperently placed duct tape across all the mouths.
Attending too many Martin Sheen sit ins were they? Or the curriculum at La Raza a little too toxic? Let's drag out the lesson plans and find out what they have to teach these kids.
Brodsky's club footed column raises more questions that it answered, and frankly, I'm more confused about La Raza and "ethnic Studies" than ever before.
My first exposure to La Raza was three weeks after I arrived in Tucson in May of 1976 when I started to manage the old Ramada in at 1-10 and St Mary's. Early one Saturday I arrived late for work and found La Raza picketing my hotel. Two female members of the group, a white woman, and one hispanic, stopped me at the door and said bruskly, "we've shut down your hotel."
"Like hell you have, " I told them. I'm the manager. " And you're not going to shut my hotel. "
After I caught my breath I took the two women aside and negotiated a deal that would not involve the police or the press. We all agreed they would pull the picketers back away from the door, we would continue business and they could express themselves.
They were so loud with their bullhorns and screaming, I could barely hear them. I went out twice and warned them that if the noise level wasn't lowered, I would dispatch the police and throw them off the property. They complied.
La Raza may have changed in 35 years, let's hope so.
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