Caroline Heldman, Professor of "Economics & Political Science" ????

The late William Buckley was one of the most gifted minds our country ever possessed. His heart gave out in his mid 80's, but not his priniples, thoughts, books, or pillars on which our country was founded. We are a nation founded on free enterprise, free thought, speech, actions and and a nation of laws that govern our actions.
     We must be civil to each other, obey the constitution, erect bodies of government to strictly interpret our laws and stick to them. So far, bending that document this way and that, we have grown over 200 + years, 300 million people, we have made it this far, successfully.
     The infection to our freedoms in the 20th century have been communism and its adherents, the spiderweb of which is to slowly pull apart the structure of what made this country the most powerful on the globe in just that short time.
     Mr. Buckley once said, ' there are no more communists in American society, what is left of them are now teaching in American Universities.
     It is my opinion (I could be wrong), but I believe Caroline Heldman at Occidental U exhibits every indication of that behavior. Written below is her sentiment taken from her own website. Judge for yourself
    I posit this: how can a "professor" teach economics and political science at the same time and espouse the opinions below? Next, if one is so loathsome of a country's foundations, why stay?

"Consumer activism is citizen action aimed at influencing corporate decisions, corporate power, or the allocation of societal goods and values. Examples of this “new” and increasingly popular form of political participation include boycotts, buycotts (purchasing products for political reasons), socially conscious investing, a variety of politically-oriented shareholder tactics (e.g., proposing a resolution, testifying at a shareholder meeting, disrupting a shareholder meeting), protests directed at corporate or quasi-governmental organizations (e.g., chambers of commerce, the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund), and protests targeting businesses directly (e.g., protests in front of stores selling animal fur, union picket lines)."


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