" THE VP DEBATE".......ok, it helped

My take: In this year of back biting, yelping and vindictiveness, it helped to clear the air with straight talk from the VP candidates for the second spot. Here's why; I figured, if Hillary decides she's going to "FAINT" during negotiations with the Russkies, now I know who is taking her place.
     If Don Trump busts a  blood vessel, the even0keeled Navy Capt Mike Pence steps in and takes over with little else he's concerned over.
     My vote is for the Trump team. I wouldn't let the Senator from Virginia anywhere near the White House, let alone a chance in Hell of running the football up the middle in a world crisis. In my opinion, he is a nasty little knit-picky that came out of accounting whoser9id idea of a wild night is a Shirley Temple and colored shoe laces.
     Team him up with Col Hillary in whom you could never trust anything she said, and I firmly believe the wildest ride this country has ever had will speed up the predictions Pat Buckhannon

the ruins OF ROME
has made - the end of America and her culture as we know it.
     You heard it here.  First.


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