On his last day in office, President WJ Clinton pardoned 200 convicted criminals. As quoted in the New York Times (no less) " applicants (for pardon) could get quick access to Clinton as long as they had the right access."
      A convicted cocaine dealer from Little Rock got a quick pardon through William Kennedy, White House Counsel and former law partner to HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON. Her brother was involved in a pardon, as well.
      Clinton's Sec'y of Education had a son convicted of a conspiracy to sell cocaine, "get out of jail, free."  He also issued a pardon to his former CIA chief for transferring classified INTELLIGENCE DOCUMENTS TO HIS HOME COMPUTER IN 1993. At that time, American Nuclear Secrets were showing up in China and elsewhere.
      What's the old saying?  What goes around, comes around?
     .......all the above quoted and attributed from the late authoress Barbara Olson's book, " The Final Days" - The Last, Desperate Abuses of Power by the Clinton White House. Ms Olson perished on the 9/11 flight that crashed into the Pentagon.


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