At my house, and it seems around town, excitement, enthusiasm for the general election has exploded into a general "funk."
    For those of you Mill
enials not around during the Jimmy Carter days, it was referred to by those of us on the street as the blue funk, or the Malaise. We just didn't care. A.K.A. blah !! I don't remember the cand frankly don't care. It was less a record of wonderfulness than boredom, indifference, and boy, did we pay for it in the intervening four years.
    Bored out of their skulls with the corn pone, with
Jimmah's church services, Sunday School,and sermons during his press conferences, he was soon relegated to the back pages. Now referred to as the worst president in the modern age, some political circles compare that title to the current occupant, about to leave.
    The press is not about to let us forget the dust-up between these two worst-ofs. The poll takers delight in plumbing the depths to see what WE THINK OF THEM. It ain't pretty.
Consensus says they are the worst of the worst...ok.
    I prefer to say --- highly unsuited for this job, both of them. But, that's all we got, unless somebody can figure out a way to replace one or both in the next 3 weeks.
    How do we do that, LEGALLY?


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