OK, .....I'm stumped. I cannot account for the cromagnon, knuckle draggers who have trouble seeing above the steering wheel and under the protruding eye brows and continually beat their wives.
      These mouth breathers harken back to the cave dwellers who, it is reported by the arch-
eologists of old, used to clothe their women in bear skins, bend them over rocks and impregnate them on occasion if the average female bear wasn't around, and beat them senseless if the rug rats were starving and screaming for an empty teat or two.
      Rough going around Thunder Cave I suppose. Then, when Mom slipped, fell and died, Mongo probably had to eat the kids, lazy bastard.
      From what I read in the papers this year, it feels like we haven't progressed to awfully far from those days, have we? The mug shots of mom and dad arrested for boiling their children in oil, the radar range, ....whatever, speaks volumes about their lack of missing third grade civics courses and picking their noses in public.
      Then, there is Susan Smith, using broken English describing what it's like to drive her car into a lake KNOWING her two babies were drowning in the back seat. In the name of GOD how did we get to this point in our development as a Godly nation?
       What right does ANY man feel that he has to lay his hands on any woman in anger? How dare he?  His woman......ANY woman is by nature placed here on earth to be defended - at all costs, his children vouchsafed against the evils of the world at the cost of his own life - no matter what. What breed of coward are we breeding in America that even considers anything less than this his minimum duty?
       Lexington and Concord produced the kind of brave Americans that laid down their lives for us all, and for their families, and for each other. Their wasn't a coward in the bunch. Same with the 187 men on the wall of the Alamo, the same for the soldiers on the Cemetery Ridge at Gettysburg.
       As men, can we do any less?


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