The same day I hear about the death of a real man - Ali - I hear about a boy who beats up his wife - Johnny Depp. I've had my fill of these guys who beat up women. " HE HIT ME !!" She reported to the press.'
    The photos on the police report prove it. Now, Depp, has had a few movies out where he's portrayed true 'manly' characters, and many of us have appreciated his fine work. Other films - not so much, like the Tonto thing, dead chickens on his head.
    But, hitting....beating women wipes away all the good work a man ( a real man ) does in the world. Ruins his good name, destroys his work. As an old man in the world (76) I hold on to values from another time, values  of hard work, like respect and love of women, the protection of children, seeking to do right by them, I reject any man who raises his hand in anger and abuses these people.
Any man is lucky to have the company of comely women, their beauty and charm is a gift from God,
They should be shunned, arrested, tried bejailed. No excuses. And, turned out by society.
    Why would anybody want to associated with a lowlife just because they are in the movies. Turn your back on them.
     And, his name.....it should be JOHN, not johnny. He's over 30, not 13. You wouldn't call him " Mikey" or Dickey or Bobbie. He's all grown up now and it's time he took his grown up name of John, and acted like it.


  1. In the two weeks since I posted this, it was pronounced today in the gossip magazines that Mr. Depp and his beautiful bride are separated. "He hit me," it is reported that she said. I guess, that's what it said. Like a mature woman she was, she packed her bags and left.


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