If you don't know it by now, Portland Oregon is known
in standard political circles as "Little Beirut."  ( Riots on demand 12 hours advance notice please). It is the only town out of many that I've lived in where I've seen the police wield SHOTGUNS. Everyone is welcome there regardless of political affiliation, friendly or not to our country. Ergo, it will not surprise me, nor should it you, that someday soon you will hear of an ISIS training camp being discovered on a remote golfing course somewhere a few miles out of town. Trust me on that, History backs me up.
     Our administration currently in power worries over bathrooms in schools that house homosexual men dressed in dress scaring little girls (and they should be concerned), the level of cursing across the political aisle during this election period, presidential interference in miniscule affairs undisturbed before by someone of his stature, while "Rome Burns."
    Syria continues to run rivers of blood from the Tyrant's slaughter of his own people, yet from us? - No Word. Babies are run over, cut to pieces, and bombed to pieces by the dictators troops, women are killed and their children swept aside daily as so much war-fare trash by the Leader of this abomination, refugees have spilled out all over the world, jamming everything from bus lanes in Germany to shipping lanes in the Med.
    And from America, we watch as rapes and murders throughout Europe climb as a result, tourist starts to shut down over there, police and European national guard seem incapable of handling this - and our country? NOTHING. NO RESPONSE from the White House, and the innocents continue to die.
    Obama does not miss a golf date.
    Candidate Sanders an avowed Socialist gains and forges ahead, with a ground swell of support among young American Kids who know little or nothing about the Socialist Undertow downstream. Lack of knowledge is a dangerous thing. For this, there is but one word of warning.



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